Just another sunny day

Just another sunny day
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Early Autumn at Aira Force Waterfalls Bridge ____________

Sunday, December 01, 2013

Saverah Fashion Weekend - 2013

From The Last Week Show

As some of you might have seen Saverah Fashion Weekend in London last week, which linked onto "Islamic Fashion". Rather than use the title Islamic Fashion show I prefer to call it a Fashion show inspired by Islamic theme. All the collections are great but some of them didn't comply with Islamic dressing code ~ indeed it is my personal opinion. Anyhow, it was exciting to be part of a group of fashion designers who are making their collections complementary to mainstream fashion in the traditionally western dominated fashion world.

Here are eye-catchers items from several designers (Chenille's Dubai based designer, Jeny Tjahyawati & Nuniek Mawardi Indonesia based designers, Sri Munawwarah & Neda Malaysian based designers & British base designers). Those items stick in my head easily even if you just looked at photo shot of catwalk images, the design borrowed from street or pop art to the 30's and oriental far east elements, which is suitable for the urban lifestyle .
Jeny Tjahyawati & Nuniek Mawardi Indonesia based designers
Neda Malaysian based designers
Sri Munawwarah Malaysian based designers
I would love to talk on details the latest collection, but this month was pretty challenging. It's not very often that I sit down and do a spur of the moment blog post, shutting myself away and pretending I don't have to write to update my posting wasn't the reason, as everything has been so busy right now, I have to switch myself from blogger to designer n reorganize the webpage still in half way. Oops!

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