Just another sunny day

Just another sunny day
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Early Autumn at Aira Force Waterfalls Bridge ____________

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Life Style - Ramadhan

The Spirit of Ramadhan

The month of Ramadhan is knocking on my door, I know some of you like myself have fasting during this blessing month when the new moon is visible. This time, the month of Ramadhan clashes with the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, our fasting is getting longer then the average fasting hours "19 to 21 hours a day".
 MATAhari photographic gallery
A photograph: from MATAhari gallery
On this occasion , I would like to take the time to wish you a Happy and Blessing Ramadan. May Almighty Allah bless your soul and your family and grant you success in this world and hereafter, ameen.

Please make "dua" (prayers) for you & I and all other people in this world who are suffering in so many different ways. It's in our faith that we pray for all Humanity as we are all Allah's creation. May Allah give us the strength to tolerate the long fasting, and inshaAllah we will make our days productive in life.

Also my thanks to you too; beautiful people with beautiful hearts from different faiths who have respect and have tolerance & caring toward others. Ramadhan Mubarak to you all.

I leave you with some photographs I took on May 1st, 2016 when I did cross country walk (hiking) at Ribbelhead - Yorkshire Dales National Park.
Ribblehead  Viaduct - Yorkshire Dales National Park, May 1st, 2016.

104 feets (34 m) high

Sunset on the valley
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Walking Boots

Ribblehead valley is a place  where mini series film Jericho took place. It is set in the fictional town of Jericho, a shanty town in the Yorkshire Dales that springs up around the construction of a railway viaduct in the 1870s. The series re-imagines the story of the building of the Ribblehead Viaduct, which is renamed the Culverdale Viaduct in the show. 

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