Just another sunny day

Just another sunny day
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Early Autumn at Aira Force Waterfalls Bridge ____________

Friday, July 12, 2013

Fashion Icon - Ziggy

Meet Ziggy at V&A 

I’ve been in London for a couple days for a business trip, luckily everything ran smoothly, all jobs done… ! But still have an appointment not to be missed literally before heading north to return home.

Wandering around Marble Arch station, we decided to take the underground tube to Notting Hill Gate and used the circle line tube to Victoria station. Well..as usual it has been a third mistake I made. So..we took a District line to go back to South Kensington station. At 12:30 pm we arrived at V&A (Victoria & Albert Museum). After a long queue for the tickets, my appointment with Ziggy was confirmed at 13.45 pm.
Another way to wear the Black Jacket dress by Elsa Hanson.
Whilst we were waiting for the appointment we took a break and afternoon tea at the John Madejski Garden café inside V&A. Sitting on a garden bench with a cup of tea, the buttery scones and my favourite chocolate bar was so beautiful.
The atmosphere was spot on, this week is the most sunny we’ve had this year so far. The Sun is stronger by day and hanging around much longer. While I was enjoying my last piece of chocolate bar my mind was thinking of the month of Ramadhan, fasting will kick off next week.
Standing over 3.5 meters high is a contemporary twist on Canova’s carved marble figure sculpture by Georg Baselitz recently redisplayed in the John Madejski Garden. It has been created in response to Antonio Canova’s neoclassical sculpture 'The Three Graces' (1814-1817). Baselitz’s Untitled (2013)
After all…. Let’s have another bite of scone before meet Ziggy. That its’ a memoir of my trip to London, which I’ve fallen behind on posting.

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