Just another sunny day

Just another sunny day
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Early Autumn at Aira Force Waterfalls Bridge ____________

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Life Style - Eid ul Fitr Celebration

Ramadhan Plus Seven Days

Without family & relatives to share the joy of Eid ul Fitr Celebration, I did my own style of celebration. Around 11.00 am Salat al Eid finished, everybody shake hand and have been greeting one to another "Eid Mubarak". It took us 30 minutes to escape from the carpark of Springfield Park where the congregation took place.

We went back home to collect a picnic basket which I had filled with cookies & cake I baked last night and then we were back on the road to Aysgarth Falls to have a picnic near the bank of river Ure.

As we walked into the river bank, we were greeted by a wonderful sound of water while birds were flying around. I love the sounds and the power of pounding water, whether it is the waves of the river flow or waterfall, "the sound says what I think".

"What a lovely day after the last four days water has downpours from the sky, today we have a bright sunshine" I said at the same time my bare feet slipped into the river.

I gave my heart to the mountains the minute I stood beside this river with its spray in my face and watched it thunder into foam, smooth to green glass over sunken rocks, shatter to foam again. It seems a magical thing. A magic, moving, I was fascinated by how it sped by and yet was always there; its roar shook both the earth and me.
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 Click on a picture to see a large size.of full collection
After salat al Eid  Shawwal 1st, 1437 H at Springfield Park, Rochdale - Great Manchester.

Waterfall - The Sound of Nature - Aysgarth Falls

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